Yang Hongtao, Secretary of the Tai’an Municipal Party Committee: Establish a chain thinking, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, and empower the constructi

On the 24th, the city’s new industrialization and strong city construction industry chain special class on-site promotion meeting was held to summarize the work experience of promoting the city’s pharmaceutical and medical apparatus industry chain, and further clarify the problems of "what to grasp" and "how to grasp" of the special class of the industry chain. Tai’an Municipal Party Committee Secretary, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Director of the Municipal Industrial Promotion Committee, and Chief Chain Leader Yang Hongtao attended the meeting and delivered a speech, emphasizing that the whole city should establish a chain thinking, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, and empower the construction of a new industrialization and strong city.


Yang Hongtao pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the special classes of the industrial chain have formulated a series of practical measures from the aspects of path planning, policy supply, project promotion, investment attraction, etc., and have done a lot of work. The industrial development has shown a good trend of overall momentum and quality improvement. To promote the construction of a new type of industrialized strong city, we must firmly establish the thinking of the industrial chain, and focus on the "441X" new industrialized industrial system. We will continue to make efforts to grasp the industrial chain and industrial clusters, and let the hands of the government and enterprises work together to plant the "sycamore tree" of the industrial cluster, attracting "golden phoenix".


Yang Hongtao stressed that it is necessary to adhere to planning and leadership, chain thinking and layout, keep an eye on national policies and industrial development directions, conduct in-depth research and grasp the facts, make full use of the "outer brain", combine expert staff with front-line actual combat, formulate a series of implementation plans, and make dynamic adjustments in a timely manner to ensure that the direction of work is clear, focused, and targeted. It is necessary to scientifically formulate the implementation plan of the industrial map, learn to understand the industrial chain map, technology roadmap, application field map, and regional distribution map, and understand the stage and direction of industrial development, industrial technology evolution and the latest progress, industrial application fields and scenarios, industrial agglomeration areas and enterprise distribution. Find your own location and main direction, and figure out what and how to choose the industry. It is necessary to scientifically formulate the implementation plan for industrial development, clarify the task book, timetable, and responsible persons for each work, decompose the indicators into annual, quarterly, and monthly levels, implement the tasks to districts, counties, enterprises, and projects, and specify the measures to the path, method, and policy, so as to force the implementation of the work. It is necessary to scientifically formulate the planning of characteristic industrial parks, create a good industrial ecology, rely on the leading enterprises of the chain and characteristic industrial clusters, and build professional boutique parks to build innovation sources and growth poles for the implementation of the strategy of a new type of industrialized strong city. It is necessary to scientifically formulate the development plan of leading enterprises, transform the scientific judgment and beautiful vision of the future into development plans and action plans, and stimulate the endogenous power of enterprises.


Yang Hongtao pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the big focus on projects, continuously enhance the development potential, and insist on planning projects to attract investment, investment projects to land, landing projects to focus on construction, construction projects to focus on completion, completed projects to focus on production, put into production projects to focus on technical transformation, and advantage projects to focus on listing. It is necessary to clarify the goal, carry out investment promotion accurately, follow the map and target, focus on the whole process of the industrial chain, upstream and downstream, and in accordance with the industrial map, carry out targeted investment promotion, make up for the shortcomings of the industrial chain, and strengthen and expand the industrial cluster. It is necessary to double-wheel drive, increase the intensity of new projects and technological reform and reform, promote the process of digital construction, implement list management, tracking promotion, and sales supervision, and make every effort to promote the successive landing of major projects and the accelerated emergence of new growth points. It is necessary to help capital, achieve a breakthrough in listing financing, make good use of the direct financing function of capital markets, promote the listing of high-quality enterprises, improve the financing ability of enterprises, and promote the landing of enterprise investment projects.


Yang Hongtao stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the "solution thinking", do everything possible to rescue enterprises, coordinate more resources and forces, form a joint force to rescue enterprises, and resolve the blockages and difficulties in the construction of enterprises and projects. It is necessary to detect problems in a timely manner, identify various problems existing in the construction of enterprises and projects in a timely manner, and collect and grasp various demands of enterprises in a timely manner. To promote problem solving, adhere to the principle of "whoever is in charge is responsible, territorial management, and hierarchical solutions", and strive to clear obstacles and break the ice and open up the situation. It is necessary to regularly carry out asking for results activities, and resolutely win the tough battle of building a new industrialized city with a sense of urgency of "can’t wait", a sense of crisis of "can’t wait", and a sense of "can’t sit still".


This meeting is the third on-site promotion meeting for the construction of a new and strong industrialized city in the city and the important content of "five competitions, two major questions and effects". It is also one of the system designs to promote key work in the form of on-site meetings from three levels: county (city, district), factor security department, and industrial chain special class. Participants observed the industrial park project of Shandong Baolai Lilai Bioengineering joint stock company and Shandong Haitian Intelligent Engineering Co., Ltd. in the industrial park of the city’s pharmaceutical and medical apparatus industry chain, and held a centralized signing ceremony for key projects of the city’s pharmaceutical and medical apparatus industry chain. A total of 20 projects were signed.

City-level leaders, deputy chain leaders of key industrial chains, special team leaders, heads of municipal industrial promotion offices, main heads of relevant municipal departments, main responsible comrades of county (city, district) and Tai’an High-tech Zone Party (Labor) committees and heads of industrial promotion agencies participated in the event.

(Source:Tai’an Daily · Most Security Media, Zhang Longde, Si Gang)